Social care workers honoured at Number 10 reception
08 Sep 2023
3 min read
Social care workers enjoyed a special reception at Number 10 Downing Street, including attendees put forward by ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ.
The reception was held at Number 10 Downing Street on 17 August to honour the work of social care staff and unpaid care workers.
The Minister for Care, Helen Whately MP, opened the event, which recognised the contribution of care workers and the role of social care in society.
It was an important opportunity for care workers to attend the famous parliamentary home and to hear from and speak directly with the Minister as well as other sector leaders, with Deborah Sturdy, the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care also speaking at the event.
ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ was delighted to be asked to put forward some attendees for the event and was able to pass on the invitation to three of our ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Registered Manager Network Chairs.
This was an opportunity to celebrate the great work which these registered managers are doing in their own organisations and as Chairs of their networks.
Angela Farrow, Registered Manager, ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ Instead, Mill Farm, said:
How lovely it was to be part of the group chosen to represent social care at a Downing Street reception, the weather was kind to us in the gardens as Helen Whately MP and Deborah Sturdy Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care expressed the thanks from the Government for the work we do.
Jane Borland, Registered Manager, Rathgar Care ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ, said:
My mind was blown to have been considered for the Number 10 reception for social care workers. It was an extraordinary experience and I felt very privileged to be invited to represent the sector and my Registered Manager Network in Northamptonshire. I never dreamt that one day I would be speaking to the Minister, explaining my role as network Chair and the importance of our networks. I will never forget this opportunity; I feel truly humbled.
Lorrie Truelove, Registered Manager/Director, Everycare (Wessex) Ltd. said:
It was fantastic to have the recognition of our commitment and the work that we do as registered managers and leaders acknowledged by Helen Whately and Deborah Sturdy. Also, to be able to engage directly to reiterate the effectiveness of our Registered Manager Reference Group and how it has evolved to become such a valuable asset benefitting the sector.
We’re pleased to hear that everyone enjoyed the event and found it a valuable experience.
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