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Digital skills communities of practice

Book onto our community of practice sessions to improve your digital confidence and technology skills. 

Funded by:        In partnership with:


During March, ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ is hosting the final set of community of practice sessions to increase digital confidence and technology skills for occupational therapists, social workers, principal occupational therapists and principal social workers who work in adult social care.

The online sessions will facilitate practical learning with the opportunity to explore real-world scenarios, benefit from peer support and collaborate in facilitated breakout rooms to analyse key themes in depth.

Co-facilitated by both ÁÕÀÅÊÓƵ’s digital and regulated professional workforce national leads, with input and involvement from our partners Digital Care Hub (DCH) and techUK. Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) and members from the National Co-production Advisory Group (NCAG) will facilitate engagement and ensure meaningful contribution is included at every session.


Final set of communities of practice

The content of the final sessions has been decided by those who attended the previous communities of practice that have taken place over the last few weeks.

  • Violina Harpar will be sharing how Richmond and Wandsworth are using generative AI in practice to support service delivery - Occupational therapists only: Tuesday 4 March 2025 - 

  • Violina Harpar will be sharing how Richmond and Wandsworth are using generative AI in practice to support service delivery and Kate Hamblin from the University of Sheffield will be focussing on changing policy and practice around digital and digital exclusion - Principal occupational therapists only: Wednesday 5 March 2025 - 

  • Kate Hamblin from the University of Sheffield will be focussing on changing policy and practice around digital and digital exclusion - Social workers only: Tuesday 25 March 2025 - 

  • Trish Nolan with Digital Angels will share how Staffordshire used Digital Angels to champion the use of digital in their service. The session will feature Chris Watson. Chris will talk about how commissioning can empower people to use their personal budgets to micro commission their support including using digital tech to support independence - Principal social workers only: Wednesday 26 March 2025 - 

Please note: all sessions will take place on Zoom, at 10:00-12:00.